Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Talkin' shop

As a small way to occupy my time and make me feel less crappy about myself, I've been tutoring a couple in English for a month or two. We mostly work on conversational practice: fluency, comprehension, that sort of thing. We meet twice a week for an hour each time, and goddamn if I'm not running out of stuff to talk about.

Things we have discussed:

Israel & Palestine
Medicine (they're both doctors)
Media Coverage of Politics
Presidential Election
Funerals and Parties
Gift Giving
Special Holidays

Man, we've talked about a lot of stuff that starts with "P," haven't we?

I was hoping making this list would inspire me to new heights of creativity, but...not really. I guess I'll try to see what else I can come up with on my own. Any suggestions, internet?


  1. What about food and cooking? Past vacations and travels, plus wished for trips? Ummm.. I'm trying to think of things I talk to people about in, you know, conversations. Downtown Abbey? That comes up a lot.

  2. I wasn't trying to be all anonymous. That was Eliza.
